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Welcome to Infoplace USA’s Customer Service Training Program. Just as actors learn their lines and lawyers learn the law, You must also learn Exceptional Customer Service.
This training program will provide you with the knowledge of our standards and the training and tools to excel in Exceptional Customer Service.
Welcome to Infoplace USA’s Customer Service Training Program. Just as actors learn their lines and lawyers learn the law, You must also learn Exceptional Customer Service.
This training program will provide you with the knowledge of our standards and the training and tools to excel in Exceptional Customer Service.Welcome to Infoplace USA’s Customer Service Training Program. Just as actors learn their lines and lawyers learn the law, You must also learn Exceptional Customer Service. This training program will provide you with the knowledge of our standards and the training and tools to excel in Exceptional Customer Service.
Mission Statement:
We are committed to providing Exceptional Customer Service that exceeds the average standard of what is considered Good Customer Service. We use the “Team Approach,” combining the expertise of the Mall Management and our focus on customer Service. The result is a program that presents Knowledge, Experience, Professionalism, and Reliability. Our Reputation is built, One Customer At A Time.
Know Our 4 Customers 1) General Public 2) Mall Office 3) Mall Merchants 4) Mall Employees
• Setting the Standards • Appearance • Communication: Non-Verbal Communication: Verbal • Customer Greeting • Phone Etiquette
Our standards require that we greet each of our phone customers in a warm and professional manner.
Say the following when answering the phone:
“ Good Afternoon, Thank you for calling Cherry Creek Guest Services, This is Jane, How may I help you?”
Answer the phone by the second ring.
Stand up straight.
Smile as you talk on the phone.
Speak clearly.
Pace your voice.
Allow the customer to speak
Knowledge: It is impossible to do a top-notch job without the proper knowledge.
Every situation is different, but below are some general guidelines for handling upset guests.
• Listen without interruption.
• Ignore the excessive and erroneous things they say (let it go). Do not take it personally.
• Never return aggression with aggression.
• Empathize. Try to feel the way they do, but never say that “You know how they feel”.
• Paraphrase the content so they know, you know, what their complaint is.
• Guide their conversation with open-ended questions: Who? What? Where? • • When? Why? How?
• Acknowledge their feelings and emotions. (“I can see that you are frustrated with this problem.”)
• Discuss solutions and take corrective action.
• Lastly, thank the customer for the complaint.
The mission at Infoplace USA is to go ‘Above and beyond’ to provide exceptional customer service to every guest.
We can go ‘Above and Beyond’ for our guests in numerous ways.
Here is just one example:
A guest approaches the Guest Services Desk and asks if the mall has a MAC Cosmetic store. The mall does not have a MAC store, but you think one or two department stores carry MAC products. Before you send the guest to the stores, please take a couple of minutes and call those stores to make sure they have the products that the guest is looking for. Your guest will be delighted that you took the time to discover this information and possibly save some unnecessary time and steps.
Congratulations! You have finished part one of your Exceptional Customer Service Training. Just as an actor learns his lines and a lawyer learns the law, you have learned the art of Exceptional Customer Service.
Part Two is to take what you have learned and apply it to everyday practice with confidence. The more you Practice, the better you will become. The booth is your stage. Act Well! Good Luck!